Prices for complete Summit Series Frame Tents include all framing, fittings, base plates, stakes and a storage bag for the top. All tents up to 1' wide include rope sliders for tensioning the tops and all tents 20' and wider include 1" ratchets with webbing for tensioning the tops.

Summit Series Kedered Tents

20' x 20' Summit Series kedered frame tent with 10'x 20- 2pc zippered walls. The sidewall comes standard with rollers along the top, allowing it to insert easily into the channel on the bottom of Avalon's M- 1 aluminum frame extrusion.

Summit Series Convertible Frame Tents

Avalon's Summit Convertibles are a perfect way to expand your inventory for less than half the cost. By simply changing the 3pt, 4pt, 6pt or 8pt crowns out and adding the correct mast you can utilize your existing frame tent system to create a high peak frame tent!
Summit Convertibles installed using 2" aluminum framing.